Golden Owl Clues My Maps > Full Map

Enigma 650

Summary of the Fig-Mag curses:

Enigma 650 begins where the previous one left off.
The word “All” in the title does not represent the same thing as the “All” of enigma 530.
The “ponant” must be taken here in its academic and usual meaning.
The adverb “there” in the second line refers to the place where you are, with your back to the side, at this stage of the game. From this place, it would be impossible for you to physically see the sentries if you were there.
We meet the sentinels for the first time in this puzzle. The sentinels are not on an island, but they are all in France.
There are other sentinels, similar to these, in other regions of France.
The sentinels are tangible and it is possible to know what they represent or mean without having deciphered the numbers in the visual.
Knowing where they are, you could go through them without the help of previous puzzles.
Sentinels appear on one of the two cards required for the game and are indicated by the same symbol.
Just like the other three silhouettes, the character with the shovel is symbolic.
Neither his clothing nor his profession, nor the height of his hand on the handle of the shovel nor the dimensions or general shape of the latter have any importance; no more than the distance between the man with the shovel and the three silhouettes or the fact that the three silhouettes are standing from the front or from behind.

Continuation of the guided tour

This enigma begins, geographically, at the very place where the 560 ended , that is to say at the becalmed Nave. “Nothing slips between the two,” confirms Max Valentin. We are therefore at the Notre-Dame du Haut chapel in Ronchamp (Haute-Saône). With our backs to the Ponant, that is to say looking towards the east, we must find the first Sentinel at 8000 measurements, or approximately 2600 meters if we use as a measurement the metric foot of 0.33 m found in 780 .

Of course, due to its scale, the Michelin 989 does not mention anything at such a small distance. The temptation is then great to obtain the IGN map at 1:25,000... and yet, we are not at the 11th puzzle, so in theory it is not yet necessary! Certainly, we can entertain the idea of ??phoning the Ronchamp Tourist Office to ask if there is anything remarkable 2.5 km east of the Nave, and no doubt we will be answered. .. but, convinced that Max has always refused to say on which of the two cards in the game the Sentinels are located so as not to have to admit that they are in the immediate vicinity of the final zone (and only for this reason), I obtain the IGN map n° 3520 ET.

And there, with his back to the Ponant at 8000 measurements... absolutely nothing in sight that could even remotely resemble a Sentinel! A Holy Virgin, materialized by a symbol of Calvary, surrounded in blue below... but in the surrounding area or further away, nothing else. Moreover, the region is mountainous and, from the place where this Holy Virgin is, I doubt that we can see very far... However, when we are next to any of the Sentinels, we see them all .

nec fluctuat

The patent impossibility of locating Sentinels must unfortunately lead us to consider that the Notre-Dame du Haut chapel in Ronchamp is not the becalmed Nave. We must therefore return to 600 to find the “good” Perched Black Ship.

If I have illustrated this hypothesis so far, it is to try to show that the resolution of the 600 (and the others!) is, in my opinion, a matter of logic and cleverness, and has nothing to do with it. see with I don't know what numerological or divinatory speculations that we can make say whatever we want... without finding the Owl!

What map are the Sentinels on?

Max always refused to answer this question. They are "on one of the two cards necessary for the game", but he says no more. By being logical, however, we can find the answer ourselves—and at the same time understand why he doesn't want to give it to us:

On the first map, the Michelin 989, apart from the communes (and the Sentinels are not), only very large or exceptionally remarkable things appear. In this regard, the Ronchamp chapel is, to my knowledge, the only exception.

There are at least three Sentinels (“If you see the 2nd, you see the others too”).

On the map where they appear, each Sentinel is represented by its own distinct symbol: three Sentinels, three symbols, not a single common symbol ("I said that each Sentinel's symbol was on one of the cards") .

The Sentinels are close to each other because when you see one (any one), you see all the others with the naked eye.

From the above, we can deduce that, if they are important or significant enough to appear on the 1st card, they will also appear, necessarily, on the 2nd... And since they are not on both, they are necessarily on the 2nd and her alone.

If Max refuses to give this clarification, it is because the 2nd map is also the one which contains the zone: this would therefore be admitting that the Sentinels have a close relationship with the zone, and with the Owl's cache. Furthermore, the Sentinels themselves having a close relationship with the Nave (which is 8000 measures west of the 1st Sentinel), "formalizing" the 2nd map would amount to admitting that, as soon as we found the Nave , we are able to locate the area, even a little roughly, which could make it possible to bypass some of the last enigmas.

We always come back to the same point: the central lock of the hunt is the enigma 600 and its NNP...!


There is a borderline case, which I mention out of conscience but which seems highly improbable to me: the Sentinels (3 or more) appear individually on the first map, but are found just on the edge of the second, so that one or more of them are outside the scope of this second card.
Some Sentinels would then appear on both cards, but not all, which would allow Max, by playing with words, to say overall that there is only one card where they all appear.
The main improbability of this hypothesis results, I think, from the size of the Sentinels, which are too small to appear individually on the 989. Furthermore, the large entities are named; however, the Sentinels do not have their own individual name.